A gringa's attempt to assimilate herself into the culture of vino consumption, killer fĂștbol, and Argentine advertising

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Two Weeks Notice

I had a reality check when I came home from Kansas City this Monday: I'm leaving for Buenos Aires in two weeks. TWO WEEKS.

[sidenote: Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed a majestic sort of midnight. Insert a mushy, gushy shout-out to the boy here.]

So naturally, I made an extensive to-do list as a placebo to make myself feel like I've accomplished something. In fact, it just reminds me of the state of anxiety I should be in instead of my reality. The result of my list of threats... in addition to a dark lair of a basement, a Bad Girls' Club marathon and the world wide web? Preparation Procrastination!

At least my procrastination got me somewhere in the ballpark of being productive. I follow quite a few blogs, mostly fashion ones, that finally pushed me to start one of my own. After all, what better time to launch a riveting blog that attracts millions of followers than now as I head down South? So, in case you too need some minutes of your life spent staring at a lit computer screen, I provided my top blog picks aka my bomb-tastic bookmarks:
1. The Sartorialist- the man's a street fashion genius.
2. Manrepeller- for the fashion (not men) conscious.
3. Serious Eats- prepare to drool when photograzing.
4. Garance Dore- the women equivalent to the Sartorialist's Schuman.
5. VBS- okay, okay so this site isn't a blog, but talk about amazing documentaries.

Wish me luck as I slowly but surely cross each item off my list. My couch be damned!

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