A gringa's attempt to assimilate herself into the culture of vino consumption, killer fĂștbol, and Argentine advertising

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hot Stuff

My time in BA is heating up, literally and figuratively. I feel like the whole city is melting right now. It was about 94 degrees today and I think I sweat off all of my water weight. Not to mention you have to avoid the dripping air conditioners on the sidewalks.  

Figuratively-- I was just informed of my work assignments today. I had a lovely date with Carolina (the program director here) and we chatted about my two internships and the difficulties of studying abroad in another country. 

Internship #1: Artemisa- La mujer mediatizada (The Determined Woman)
-I get to design a logo and pamphlet for an extension of this feminist organization. It's the only program of its kind in South America that caters to women, and helps improve the role of women in the workplace and the media. The more specific extension that I'm designing a logo for is all about "ecofeminism." Ecofeminism preaches a connection between women and the environment. Does Carolina read minds?! I don't know where this philosophy has been hiding from me, but I'm glad I found it. I'll update you when I know more details! 
-I'll also help design the website for the ecofeminism extension.

Internship #2: Avant Garde (Avante Garde Advertising Agency) 
-I'll be starting for this agency in March after working with Artemisa for a month. I have absolutely no idea what I'll be doing with them, however I do know their clients... and I just about peed my pants when I found them out. Good thing I had already sweat out all the water in my body walking home. Are you ready for this? Some of their larger clients include...
Quilmes (the Budweiser equivalent in Argentina), Tru TV, Johnson & Johnson, Heineken, Tang, Nestle, CNN, Cartoon Network, Ford and Absolut Vodka
-I'll also be worshipping the ground these advertisers walk on.

As far as studying abroad goes? I hate Spanish. There, I said it. I hate Spanish... for now. Carolina told me about her study abroad program to France and how it was the most challenging, yet rewarding experience of her life. She too hated French for awhile before she finally buckled down, took a few nights to study the language instead of lose brain cells to vino, and turn on the radio to listen to copious amounts of talk radio. She recommended I need to stop fighting the language and embrace it. I guess I can do that, especially if that translates to excelling at my internship with Avante Garde. 


  1. WOW! Congrats missy! I told you you'd get some awesome experience in BA! I can't wait to see your work when you get back!

  2. Great news on your internships! You're my most eco-sensitive daughter, and the Avante Garde intership sounds fantastic! As for Spanish, well, I promise to support you by learning a bit more myself. My goal -- by the time we visit, I'll be able to say more than donde est el baneau! Love you, Mom

  3. Sounds pretty nice seeing as how I'm dealing with below freezing temps here every day... That's awesome about your internships! Great experience!

    39 days...
