A gringa's attempt to assimilate herself into the culture of vino consumption, killer fútbol, and Argentine advertising

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Little Girl, Big City

Talk about reality checks.
-I'm a pale white American. 
-I don't know Spanish very well. 
-I can't read a map to save my life, nevertheless to find a restaurant or supermarket. 
-I get lost easily and frustrated even more frequently. 
-I don't function well on an empty stomach. 
-I don't feel ready taking classes again (which I started today).

I feel stripped of all my security: my family and friends, my language (aka my ability to communicate well), my culture (aka my understanding of social etiquette and norms), and my high expectations for quick assimilation. 

My largest reality check? Study abroad requires patience. I don't think that word even exists in my vocabulary. Who needs that when you have the Internet (oh wait, my apartment's isn't working properly at the moment...), and smartphones (oh yeah, I can't use mine here without paying a crap ton o money...), and a clear understanding of the city your living in (like I've acquired that in three days, pshya)? 
Hmmmm, so I guess that means I do. A little optimism may play nicely into the mix too. Then sprinkle a little bit of faith and I'm in it to win it.

You guys are going to think I'm hallucinating when I show you the pictures of where I am, but believe me. It ain't easy being in a place that's green (and really freaking big and foreign)...

My group! Max, Amy, Alyssa, Me, Kylie and Bianca

A large park that resembles a botanical garden in Palermo.


  1. Patience... Well, I'm not really the best person to give advice about patience... but it's only up from here!! :) Mwah!

  2. Love the blog! Looking forward to following your adventures. Miss you and can't wait until March. Much love, Mom and Dad
