A gringa's attempt to assimilate herself into the culture of vino consumption, killer fútbol, and Argentine advertising

Monday, March 14, 2011

Let's Do the Time-Warp Again!

[Disclaimer: super cheesy content lies ahead. Nothing rated higher than PG, but we had gone more than 50 days without seeing one another, saw each other for a week, then had to say goodbye and hello to another 50 day spurt... so cut us some slack por favor.]

As I posted earlier, mi novio visited me in Argentina over my spring break last week. I couldn't have asked for a better trip to share. I had filled the week with just enough activities and traveling to suffice a long and costly trip to South America while still reserving some time to 'do nothing.' I think the result was quick successful, as evident by my interview with the boy.

A Chat with Clifton James (performed over Skype because that's what we do best):

Everyone- the Ceej.
Q: Give me a little background on why you decided to visit me in Argentina.
A: Um, because we had previously gone two weeks without seeing each other and I didn't think I could go four months without seeing you. I thought it'd be good to visit a place I wouldn't normally and obviously to see you.

Q: What expectations did you have before the trip about South America?
A: That it was going to be hot, that I was going to meet a lot of people, and that I wouldn't understand a word they would say to me. Also that I was probably either going to get robbed or lose something while I was there.

Q: And your expectations about the trip in general?
A: It was going to be short, that we were going to be doing a lot in a little time since it seemed we had an agenda by the hour (I tend to schedule pretty thoroughly).

Q: How did your expectations evolve during the trip?
A: The people I met there were really nice, knew some English, and I could communicate with them. But although traveling a lot and going to a lot of places helped slow time down then, I still felt like I went from Friday to Saturday really fast.

Q: If you could only take one moment away from the trip, what would that be?
A: Holding you as the sunset on the beach with the friends we just met around us taking pictures and then walking along the water. It was like a Hollywood setting... only real life, something that you just impose yourself on online. It was an experience that all together can't be duplicated- getting to share that with the girl of my dreams (these words were straight from the boy's mouth).

Q: Would you visit South America again?
A: If I could with you.

The parilla dinner after a day of traveling from Monte
Hermoso to Montevideo. 
Q: And why's that?
A: Someone's going to have to be able to speak the Spanish, and I love traveling, which is something that we share.

Q: What instance did you feel the most 'porteño' if at all?
A: [laughter] Probably on the second Saturday going to the ultimate practice and people actually knowing my name. The locals actually knew who I was!.. That was probably the only time where I felt like a porteño.

Q: If you could sum up the trip in one word, what would it be?
A: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (thanks Webster, oh and Miriam)

Q: Anything else you'd like to add?
A: Thank you for not only giving me a reason to go and visit a beautiful country and meet amazing people, but for being my amazing girlfriend too (I hope no one got violently ill after reading that).

CJ touched on a theme I've noticed throughout my entire experience studying abroad- TIME. It differs by society, culture and country. It's an objective measure in theory, yet entirely subjective in practice. Each person interprets it differently as if it were a piece of art. It provides structure, yet flows freely. It's your friend in one instance as you rush to make it on time to work, but works against you as you wait to see your loved ones at home. It makes no freaking sense.

So naturally I've decided to stop trying to 'figure it out' because for once it's more logical that I accept the nonsensical nature of the beast that is time. Instead I just do a jump to the left, and a step to the right, put my hands on my hips, bring my knees in tight and then a pelvic thruuuust that makes me go insa-a-a-a-ane. Let's do the time-warp again! 
Rocky Horror Picture Show- could you think of a better
movie reference?


  1. CJ's interview #1. Maddie's #2. I mean... it had a reference to the time warp... hands down #1 :)

  2. mmmm CJ... I might have to disagree. I didn't have the urge to vomit while reading Maddie's interview. haha. Glad y'all had such a good time!
