A gringa's attempt to assimilate herself into the culture of vino consumption, killer fútbol, and Argentine advertising

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

MIL (Most Improved Learner)

I have finally begun my first internship for the program! I'm putting many a lessons under my belt already...  I plan on being the MIL (most improved learner) upon my departure from BA.

For instance, the most helpful phrases I've learned in Spanish thus far are (thanks to mi equipo):
"Deberíamos haber + verbo" = "We should have + action we really should've done"
"Vos sabes dónde está la parada para + nombre de calle" = "Do you know where the (bus) stop is for + name of the street of which we have no idea how to get to"
"Más despacio, por favor" = "Much slower, please" (as in you're speaking way too dang fast for me to even begin to comprehend your Castellano Spanish)

One thing debería haber hecho? Done my research.

Do your research:
-I went to a press conference for Greenpeace (an international environmental organization) last week regarding a 'short' aka a public service announcement that it was launching. The short featured Ricardo Darín narrating the dangers of carbon emissions and the affects on upcoming generations.
Don't know who Darín is? Neither did I... until after the conference. Turns out he's one of 'the faces of Argentina' as a result of his extensive acting career. Something about winning an Oscar last year, that sort of thing.

[On that note: I'd like to say I made eye contact with him quite a few times. May or may not have been the fact that I appear to be a ghost in contrast to all the bronzed bodies in the room... we'll go with because he knew I was going to write an extremely compelling story about the conference.]

Unfortunately, I probably could've taken more advantage of the situation and asked a few questions in shaky Spanish if I had known. Or I could've at least shaken the man's hand and taken a picture with him. Lesson learned.

Here's the short for you guys to enjoy. The animations pretty much communicate what you may or may not be able to understand from Darín's Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Ana!
    So how many pesos have you dropped at Plaza Serrano?
    I'm liking your blog (nice wallpaper too) and the Spanish lessons are great. Keep it all coming!
