A gringa's attempt to assimilate herself into the culture of vino consumption, killer fútbol, and Argentine advertising

Friday, February 25, 2011

Patience, Past (experiences), Progress

The brain juice is quite low, but I'm happy to report that I finished two papers in two days for my Gender and Journalism classes here! I had to go straight from hosting Maddie to exercising my poor little brain neurons. So, I decided I'd backtrack to the fine days of hosting before my papers snuck up on me like that evil gnome in the Travelocity commercials.

[Side ponder: What's that gnome's story anyway? Is he a gentler character like Doc the dwarf or just an all out creep? I bet he'd whip up some fine cookies, cue Keebler, if he'd take a break from his travels.]

I've been in BA for a total of 41 days, something hours and whatever minutes! Maddie's visit gave tangible significance to this fact when I had to use my time and experience here to choose activities and show her around.

I spoke Spanish as we easily maneuvered our way around the city and in the company of someone from home, noticed the seemingly little, yet now decent, progress I've made:
You want to talk about fruits of labor?
Try this mystery seeded fruit. 
-I can hold a conversation with a taxi cab driver for more than 10 minutes
-I can better decipher the overly complicated Guia T in order to decide which of the 1,000s of collectivos (bus) to take, WHICH includes reading a map!
-I can chat with my ever-changing deskmen who wish me a 'buen día' o 'buenas tardes' each time I enter or leave
-I've adopted customs, such as only hailing 'Radio' taxis, knowing the exact amount to tip for whichever service, and ordering large coffees instead of my usual 'tall' because Argentina's grande < Starbuck's tall.

All these examples to say, I'm beginning to see the light! So help me God!

Epiphany moment at the mimicked gates of Jerusalem in Parque Norte
Okay no, but in reality? I am seeing some fruits of my labor (albeit probably small clementines or blueberries instead of grapefruits and melons), but I know I've still got plenty of time for more growing (or harvesting?).

Check out the A-list for stellar additions from my time spent with Maddie. And stay tuned for a post about Córdoba after this weekend!

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